Der Home Organizing-Profi

Stacking blocks and then putting them into boxes shows how my mind works
Hast du zu viel Zeug? Benötigen Sie Hilfe beim Reduzieren der gesammelten Unordnung? Ich kann Ihnen helfen! Ich werde meine logistischen Fähigkeiten zu Ihnen nach Hause bringen und Sie aussortieren!
Do you have too much stuff? Do you need help in reducing the accumulated clutter? I can help you! I will bring my logistics skills to your home and sort them out!
Send me an email. thespacecommnder (at)
Ich bin viele Male in meinem Leben umgezogen. Jedes Mal werde ich besser und besser und sortiere, verpacke und versende. Manchmal finde ich Dinge, die ich nie benutze und mache daraus Geld.
I have moved many time in my life. Each time I just get better and better and sorting, packing and shipping. Sometimes I find stuff that I never use and turn it into money.
Here are some pictures of how I managed a very full garage before liquidating it all and shipping the rest.

And these are some photos of the cube I built when we moved from Berlin to Montreal and then onto Las Vegas. Everything we needed was in the DigCube.
I think of myself as a “logistical specialist”. I have spent my life organizing large scale outdoor events, putting on theatre shows, moving gear and equipment, figuring out how to use as little space as possible all along the way. It made sense that I offer my services to anyone who may need some help in the this area.
In 2017, I took an empty plot of land and installed a container on it so that I could store all of the things I use for my production company. Here are some photos of the process that I put together for that.